Saturday, January 31, 2015

"Its wonderful the way our volunteers take the work as their own"

This is the  third article in the Q  n A series with CACR core team members 

Q: How would you describe the last year 2014 for Ngo CACR?

A: CACR as a team may not have grown exponentially in numbers but has gained tremendously in confidence to face  hurdles and problems in the last year.  We have learnt to identify areas where we can make the most difference,and learnt to be  patience. As patience in large doses is imperative when one needs a behemoth like the MCGM (municipal/public)  school system to change for the better.
Getting the MCGM to finally agree to show their school children Children Film Society of India CFSI films through their virtual classroom system was a great reward.
But looking at the smiling faces of the school children in Nityanand  BMC school as they practiced their dance steps under the guidance of the Nalanda Nritya Kala Mahavidyalaya (Nalanda Dance College)  teachers was looking at a miracle; their joy was a limitless. 
Children with Dance trainer from Nalanda Dance College who offer pro bono services to these school children

Everything changes so slowly in fact at times not at all! When you see  you have taken one step forward to ten behind it can be very disheartening, especially to the volunteers who are not yet completely committed. This lack of commitment is what hurts everyone else the most. 
I am fully aware that I am on the fringes of this cause, involved with only the administrative part, yet feel the pain of the volunteers who feel let down at crucial points, when commitments are not met. But we carry on with perseverance and hope.  
Q:  What challenges do you see ahead in 2015 for Team CACR and how do you plan to overcome these?

​A: As is apparent we need to build a much stronger structure and ​attract more like minded citizens to that the MCGM school system works. This will only come about through more interactive sessions with citizens groups, college students, and ALMs (Advance Locality Management)

Vidya Vaidya on the occasion of CACR anniversary function 
Q:  How would you describe the team and work culture at the organization?

​A: It is wonderful the way our volunteers take the work as their own, carry out their self appointed tasks to bring about a change in the dull and often lifeless MCGM school system. They donate their valuable time, time which most organizations have none of for the issues at hand concerning us. The work is truly voluntary, but with a lot of responsibility and commitment.

Q:  How has CACR helped change the lives of the school children and their families? 

​A: I believe that the knowledge that there is a group interested in them and cares that the system must work for their welfare has not only changed the outlook of the school children and their parents but has also changed​ outlook of the teaching and administrative staff. Slowly but surely the lethargy and disinterest that is gripping the MCGM School System is lifting.​

Q:  Any new projects that you plan to participate in 2015?
A: Improvement and real change in the Mid- Day Meal Scheme will be in the forefront during 2015, I think.  ​

Q: Any appeals would you like to make to the readers?
​A: "Care for the future of these children. Help us keep them out of the streets and educate them, bring out their true potential. Donate your time for this cause, if you can." Help ensure the MCGM School System works as it should. Remember that in the past, not too distant. It did work, many of our seniors have been products of this very system, and have risen high in their respective fields.

CACR directors during MUSTRun Marathon where 525 BMC school kids participated 

--Vidya Vaidya, founder director CACR, talks to Richa Singh.CACR is a start-up nonprofit working in areas  of education, child rights and health.Website- www.ngocacr.comFacebbook- @cacr6 

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