Sunday, March 22, 2015

Social media : The double-edged sword


      Earlier almost everyone  eagerly waited  to get his/her hands on the daily morning paper and few depended only on the radio to convey the important news of the day but today the news is delivered instantly as it happens, wherever it happens, whenever it happens. All thanks to  Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube and the whole social media gamut. Social media has not only shrunk the globe but also has connected people, companies, groups,and families in ways we had never thought possible.

With the huge growth in the mobile penetration and especially the smartphone market the memberships of various social media platforms has gown exponentially. Now you can share your life in pictures, tweets, status message and updates each day every minute. Though this convenient communication makes us happy but there is a dark side to it too....Day to day we see different types of posts and tweets. Each of these has a direct or indirect impact in today’s society. This impact can be huge or minuscule.It has become very important for us to manage and filter the content that is to be posted on these enormous platform. If the needful is not done, as we have seen in the past, it can cause some serious consequences to an individual, group or company.We have seen various hate groups posting foolhardy posts or tweets and creating riots among the masses. These platforms have been used to cause mayhem or conflicts among people. Thus it has become a must that we have to educate ourselves and the citizens around us to make a great and positive use of these revolutionary platforms.
Social media web 

 We also live in a time where the credibility of news publications and channels  is going down, so people in-turn have focused their trust and attention towards social media platforms for getting the real and true news. Taking advantage of this development many fringe elements,and trouble makers use these platforms to spread hate, false rumors and panic among people. Before you know it the 'news' snowballs and situation spirals out of control so much so that the government sometimes has to ask the social media platforms to take down such misleading and inflammatory content.  Filtering posts and tweets is not practically possible and not advocated to preserve freedom of speech but  such incidents reveal that it is becoming necessary. 
use social media responsibly 

If we do not want  the state to regulate this platform which has been given to us; it is up to us as individuals or groups  to take care of it consciously by making sure sensitive data of an individual is not posted for personal gains, abstaining ourselves from posting or tweeting content which may bring misery to the society. 
Posts and tweets which will unite motivate and uplift the society needs to be posted.All in all social media and its boom has been excellent for individuals, countries ,companies and start-ups like us to reach and connect with our audience but unless we learn to use it with responsibility we can't take advantage of these enormously useful platforms to the fullest. 

-by +Dilmohan Nidharak is a software engineer by profession and +Citizens Association For Child Rights team member handling the IT operations. 
-Edited by +Richa Singh

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