Showing posts with label Ngo Boom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ngo Boom. Show all posts

Monday, June 08, 2015

The Rise of the Youth Intelligentsia

George Bush at a Young Leaders' Summit.
Being a part of the urban youth population today, doesn't mean what it mean what it meant before. At the risk of sounding clichéd, an undeniable truth is that today's young generation is highly empowered! 

    There has been a unmissable boom in youth related events, actions and organizations. Conferences, donation drives, NGOs and social service initiatives that are 100% founded and run by young persons are an extremely common sight, and what is even more evident is their inherent efficiency and success.
Many of these initiatives are by highly driven and motivated students from some of the best institutes across the country, who have the requisite support systems, ideas and verve to brainstorm solutions to current day  and execute them. This can be seen in organizations like CACR itself, where we have tie-ups with students from social service cells of some of the finest colleges in Mumbai, as well as a tie-up with IIT-Bombay for the computer literacy programme.

Tapping into this potential is essential, especially from a social perspective. Majority of college and school students have summer holidays and vacations at this time, and again the vast majority of them have a desire to have a productive summer, making this the perfective time for undertaking such initiatives.

A youth related NGO leads relief efforts in Nepal.
The only thing that is between the youth and making a difference is a direction.
      The good news is that opportunities are abound for contributing to any cause that you hold dear. Not only can one try to start their own initiative with a couple of equally driven friends, or intern at an NGO, one can also volunteer with multiple NGOs over the course of months.
Not only is this is a highly productive and beneficial thing to do from a career and CV building perspective, but it imbues one with a sense of satisfaction and personal fulfilment. Realizing that you are a part of something that is larger than yourself, and incessantly dedicating your time, efforts and energy towards a social cause is something that is internally fulfilling and rewarding, and teaches you empathy and dedication, qualities that are highly admired and looked upon in today's day and time.

Additionally, in a time when the majority of students while away and waste the precious summer months, productively working toward a social cause is no mean feat, and definitely sets you apart!
So, what are you waiting for? Head to your nearest NGO now and make a difference.

- Anand Banerjee is a social media intern with CACR , a education non-profit based in Mumbai ,India. 

CACR +Citizens Association For Child Rights works to improve the quality of education and health of school children in municipal (inner city) schools

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Non profits: A profitable and recession proof business. Donation anyone?

Where is the recession? I said to myself as I read the newspaper article sometime back.

      An interesting article in one of the leading dailies in the country highlighted the fact that- India is witnessing a NGO boom, which has now become a billion dollar industry.
Yes, NGOs or (non) profits is a profitable business in India! 
Wow! what a contradiction isn't it?

   There are now almost 2 million NGOs in a population of 1.2 billion people, i.e  1 NGO for every 600 people as against 1 cop for 943 people and A whopping USD 2 billion received by about 22,000 NGOs in the country, in 2010-11 alone.

Despite all these figures and huge budgets for education and health, it is shocking to know that there are almost 8.1 million children in age group 8-13 years, who are out of school as per UNICEF report and almost 61 million children are malnourished and stunted, according to Hunger and Malnutrition Report.

    The fact is that there is a total lack of accountability, which has resulted in none of the subsidies, schemes and funds budgeted actually reaching out to the actual beneficiaries.
It is a matter of great shame that even a very noble Mid Day Meal scheme does not ensure good and nutritious meals for children enrolled in government schools, though official records show that almost 10.68 crore children are getting the benefit of hot, cooked , nutritious meals in almost 12 lakh government schools.

    One of the major reasons for the abject failure of these schemes is allowing NGOs to create parallel systems rather than supplementing and strengthening the system, which would have helped in creating better awareness and improved implementation of all these schemes meant to benefit the poor and needy. 

    There are no examples of any of the PPP -Private Public partnership models, which have helped in improving the education and healthcare systems in the country and it is matter of shame that most the resources provided by Government have resulted in commercial exploitation, benefiting only a small percentage of the entire population.

At CACR we don't believe in creating alternative systems rather we  supplement,strengthen, and improve the existing one. The Education department officials are well qualified (only first class or distinction candidates are selected ) for teaching and administration, experienced and quite well paid with government benefits. Why not help them do their job better instead of making your own pedagogy  taking over a school and weakening the existing system?

  Lets be part of the solution and channelize what we have. Volunteer and be an empowered citizen.

+Citizens Association For Child Rights

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